Rotational excitation and radiative lifetimes of N2+

The N2+ first negative system (B 2Σ+uX 2Σ+g) has been recorded by laser by induced fluorescences of N2+ ions confined in an rf trap. The ions were produced by electron impact and had an initial rotational distribution close to the room temperature distribution of the target N2 gas. By admitting Ar gas at pressures 10 to 100 times in excess of the N2 pressure, variable numbers of N2+–Ar collisions were allowed to occur before the N2+ distribution was interrogated by the laser. Since the N2+ was translationally energetic, being driven by the trap fields, a rapid and extensive T to R energy transfer was observed. In this way, high rotational states of N2+ were populated and the radiative lifetimes of these states were measured. No evidence for a perturbation by 4Σu+ states was found in the region (N = 31, 32) where previous studies have indicated a possible perturbation. Evidence for enhanced charge transfer from N2+ X 2Σ+g to Ar was found for N2+ in its first vibrational level.