Milk production and percentages of fat, total solids, solids-not-fat, total protein, casein, ash, Ca, and P of the milk of Holstein cows were not influenced by feeding supplements of Aureomycin (130 mg. daily) or vit. B12 (0.83 mg. daily) at a 1% level in the grain ration. The vit. B12 content of the milk (1.69-4.12 mg. B12/1.) was not influenced by increasing the level of vit B12 supplement from 1 to 4% (3.32 mg. B12 daily) in the grain ration. There was no change in milk production, but the fat content of the milk was slightly depressed when levels of vit. B12 supplement were above 1% (0.83 mg. vit. B12 daily) in the grain ration.