Some observations on gyrotron interaction models III. Gyro-oscillators

The main objective of the present paper is to extend an earlier model of the gyrotron interaction mechanism from amplifiers to oscillators. In the case of an amplifier the interacting field may be represented by a travelling wave, whereas in the case of an oscillator the field is in the form of a standing wave. It is shown that in spite of the added complexity of the interaction process the main features of the amplification mechanism remain substantially the same. In particular both azi-muthal and axial bunching play almost equal roles in the general amplification mechanism. Also, in the case of an oscillator, physical meaning can be attached more readily to the frequency of oscillations ω, rather than to either of the two doppler shifted frequencies ω D or ω+ D the opposite is the case in amplifiers, where the doppler shifted frequency ω D is of more immediate interest.