Protons of 200 MeV incident onC12. I. Coincident proton emission from the continuum

Coincident protons from the reaction C12(p,p’p’ ’) at an incident proton energy of 200 MeV have been measured. Continuum cross sections were extracted from the experimental data corresponding to the detection of protons at primary angles of -20° and -45° with energies of 70±5, 100±5, and 130±5 MeV for secondary angles between 20° and 145°. Comparisons were made with a model which describes the reaction mechanism as originating from an initial quasifree nucleon-nucleon interaction between the incident proton and a single target nucleon, followed by the rescattering of the struck nucleon, which behaves as an intranuclear projectile, from the spectator part of the target nucleus. Reasonable agreement has been found between the calculated and measured cross sections.