Contribution to the Kapitza conductance from spin-spin interactions

In this paper, we examine the theory of the rate at which spin-spin interactions produce energy transfer across an interface between a degenerate Fermi gas (liquid He3) and a system of electron spins. We consider first the case where the electron spins are conduction-electron spins in a metal, and examine the rate of energy transfer produced by spin-spin interactions of dipolar form, and also by a short-range exchange interaction. In the former case (dipolar coupling), the Kapitza conductance exhibits a T3lnT dependence on temperature, but is very small in magnitude. In the second case (short-range interaction), the Kapitza conductance varies as T3, with a magnitude that is also small. We conclude that neither dipolar interactions nor short-ranged interactions of the exchange type can produce a significant transfer of energy from the He3 spins to conduction-electron spins in metals. We also calculate the rate at which the He3 spins transfer energy to an array of paramagnetic local moments. We recover a result similar to that obtained earlier by Leggett and Vuorio. In contrast to Leggett and Vuorio, we use the full form of the dipolar interaction to couple the He3 spins to the local moments, and in all the calculations reported here, the effect of the surface on the single-particle wave functions is included by treating the surface as a barrier of infinite height.