Structure of the ground state of the electroweak gauge theory in a strong magnetic field

The structure of the ground state of the Weinberg-Salam model in the presence of an external magnetic field is investigated. As the magnetic induction reaches a critical value Bc, W pairs can be produced with zero energy. The equations for B, Z, W, and the Higgs field Φ are handled, near the transition point, by a perturbative method and solved exactly to first order in the parameter e(BBc). Solutions with two types of boundary conditions are considered: (i) B is produced in the interior of a large cylindrical solenoid by electric currents on the surface; (ii) a uniform background magnetic field exists throughout space, above Bc a new phase with W condensates emerges. The latter case admits solutions with lattice symmetry and an integer number of quanta of magnetic flux through each lattice cell. The W wave function is expressed in terms of the Jacobi function ϑ1(z|τ) where τ is the lattice parameter. The average energy density H¯ as a function of τ is shown to be modular invariant. For MH>MZ, H¯ is minimal for a hexagonal lattice with a simple zero of W at each center. Coherent quantum states are constructed for the W pairs. The relation to type-II superconductivity is discussed.