Electrostatic Stitching in Gel-Phase Supported Phospholipid Bilayers

We show that mixing zwitterionic lipids with up to 20% mole % cationic lipids produces gel-phase supported lipid bilayers that are morphologically free of defects detectable using noncontact mode atomic force microscopy (AFM). This contrasts with the observation of massive defects when anionic lipid was added, and also when no charged lipid was added. Infrared measurements of headgroup orientation in the presence of cationic lipid show that the mean headgroup orientation changes only minimally when temperature is lowered from the fluid phase to the gel phase. This is consistent with a tentative explanation, based on simple electrostatic arguments, in which cationic lipids “stitch” the bilayers together. On the functional side, this study demonstrates a simple method by which to minimize defects in gel-supported phospholipid bilayers.