Actinide production in reactions of heavy ions withCm248

Transfer reactions of heavy ions with 248Cm targets are evaluated for their usefulness in producing unknown neutron-rich actinide nuclides. Cross sections for the production of nuclides in the region 91≤Z≤100 were determined radiochemically from bombardments with 18O, 86Kr, and 136Xe ions. The systematic trends in the cross sections for these reactions can be understood in terms of the Coulomb potential and the stabilizing effect of the reaction Q values, which tend to favor the production of nuclei with Z>Ztarget with low excitation energies. Extrapolation of the product yields into unknown regions of charge and mass indicates that the use of heavy-ion transfer reactions to produce new neutron-rich above-target species is limited. Substantial production of unknown neutron-rich below-target species is expected in reactions with heavy projectiles like 136Xe and 238U.