The enzyme make-up of certain pathogenic fungus spp. was taken up with a view to finding a correlation between enzyme activity and virulence in these organisms. Activity of aldolase in the form of fresh cell-free extracts from 3 Alternaria spp. showed maximum activity in A. tenuis, followed by A. brassicicola and A. raphani. Relative pathogenicity on Althea rosea, Brassica oleracea, and Raphanus sativus was associated with a corresponding change in enzyme activity. The various optima determined for enzyme activity were pH 7.2. 40[degree]C, and 60 minutes. The rate of reaction increased progressively with increasing substrate and enzyme concentrations up to 20 [mu][image] of FDP and 0.3-0.4 mg enzyme protein, respectively, per ml of the reaction mixture. Cu++ and Co++ accelerated enzyme activity considerably, and o-phenanthroline and EDTA produced marked inhibition.