Effects of Dietary Fat on Cholesterol Metabolism in the Diabetic Rat

The effects of corn oil and lard diets upon blood and tissue cholesterol in normal and alloxan diabetic rats are reported and discussed. Dietary lard aggravated a trend towards hypercholesterolemia in the alloxan diabetic rat. The corn oil diet increased the amount of sterol found in the livers of both the diabetic and normal animals. Lard feeding increased the sterol content of the livers of normal animals as well as diabetic animals, but the increase was not as pronounced as with corn oil feeding. Gut, carcass and skin data were presented and discussed. The feeding of 10 or 30% of corn oil or lard diets to diabetic or normal animals resulted in no change in cholesterologenesis using mevalonic acid-2-C14 as the cholesterol precursor.