The somatic chromosome numbers have been presented for all species of Lotus studied to date. New chromosome number determinations are reported for the 1st time for a number of taxa as enumerated below. One of these, L. cruentus. 2n = 28, is an endemic Australian species. The Eur-Afro-Asian taxa are L. arabicus, 2n = 14; L. arenarius, 2n = 14; L. berthelotii, 2n = 28; L. biflorus, 2 n = 14; L. carmelii, 2n = 14; L. castellanus, 2n = 12; L. conjugatus, 2n = 14; L. discolor s sp.discolor, 2n = 14; L. gebelia, 2n = 14; L. maroccanus, 2n = 14; L. spartioides, 2n = 14. Dr. C. C. Heyn has provided the new chromosome number determinations for L. gebelia var. libanoticus, 2n = 14; L. lanuginosus, 2n = 14 and a polyploid race of L. angustissimus, 2n = 24. The North American species are: L.argophyllus, 2n = 14; L. chihuahuanus, 2n = 14; L. crassifolius, 2n = 14; L. douglasii, 2n = 14; L. grandiflorus, 2n = 14; L. grandiflorus var. mutabilis, 2n = 14; L. greenei, 2n = 14; L. humistratus, 2n = 12; L. oblongifolius, 2n = 14; L. oroboides, 2n = 14; L. rigidus, 2n = 14; L. salsuginosus, 2n = 14; L. scoparius, 2n = 14; L. scoparius var. dendroides, 2n = 14; L. stipularis, 2n = 14; L. subpinnatus, 2n = 12 (corrected report) and L. wrightii, 2n = 14. All known interspecific hybridizations involving natural and artificial hybrids are given as well as intraspecific crosses involving differences in polyploidy.