Decays of theKpatom and the Λ(1405)

To investigate differences between some recent calculations on the decays of the Kp atom, we calculate the pionic decays Kp→Λπ0, Σ+ π, Σ0 π0, and Σ π+ in an isobar model and compare them with experimental rates determined from measured branching ratios together with the imaginary part of the K¯N scattering amplitude. The comparison shows that the coupling constants at the strong-interaction vertices are reduced significantly from the on-shell values. These coupling constants are then applied to an isobar-model calculation of the radiative transition rates. Comparing these with results from a recent experiment gives values for the radiative decay widths of the Λ(1405): ΓΛ(1405)Λγ=27±8 keV and ΓΛ(1405)Σ0γ=10±4 or 23±7 keV.

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