Larmor beats and conduction electrongfactors inInxGa1xAs/GaAsquantum wells

We report conduction electron g factors ge in strained layer InxGa1xAs/GaAs quantum wells from time-resolved Larmor beats in reflection and cw Hanle luminescence depolarization. Samples had well widths from 3 to 20 nm and x=0.11±0.02. The beat frequency gave |ge| and nuclear Overhauser shift in the Hanle effect revealed its negative sign. The variation of ge with well width parallels that in GaAs/AlxGa1xAs wells, indicating the dominance of nonparabolicity of the bulk conduction band sampled at different electron confinement energies, with important, but weaker, expected effects of strain, quantum-well anisotropy, and barrier penetration.