The Distribution of Enteric Streptococci

51 fecal specimens (10 spp.) and 2 soil samples were examined for entercocci and coliform organisms. The entero-cocci were isolated by water-bath incubation at 45.5[degree]C in broth containing 0.05% Na azide ("SF" broth) and subsequent streaking on "SF" medium with 1.5% agar, incubated at 37.5[degree]C. Escherichia coli was isolated by enrichment in lactose broth, streaking on E.M.B. plates, picking into indol, MR-VP, and citrate confirmatory media. The 2 soil samples yielded neither enterococci nor E. coli. 49 fecal specimens yielded enterococci in dilutions from 1:10 to 1:1,000,000. E. coli was recovered from 46 specimens in dilutions from 1:100 to 1:10,000,000. Acidity was produced in 71 tubes of "SF" broth; 60 contained enterococci alone or with rods (positives): 11 tubes contained rods only (false positives); 4.6% of tubes contained viable enterococci which failed even upon prolonged incubation to change the indicator (false negatives). Addition of 6.5% NaCl to "SF" broth reduced false positives to 0.7%, but did not influence the occurrence of false negatives. The authors suggest the possible public health and sanitary significance of enterococci.

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