Analysis of epoxy resin curing kinetics using the Avrami theory of phase change

To przoduce efficiently high quality structural parts from fiber‐reinforced epoxy materials systems, it is necessary to develop detailed process models. One key component in any such model involves the prediction of the cure kinetics, which in turn governs the viscosity, resin flow, void formation, and other important processing parameters. In this study, a series of isothermal and dynamic differential scanning calorimetry experiments was performed using Hercules 3501‐6 and 3502 resins (TGDDM epoxy with DDS curing agent). The hypothesis of a dispersion of growing microgel particles, which become a continuous‐phase solid at the gel point, was used as a basis to apply the Avrami theory of phase change to describe the polymerization kinetics up to the gel point. The extended equations for nonisothermal conditions properly accounted for the temperature effects on the kinetics. Comparison of the theoretical predictions with experimental data suggests that the Avrami theory of phase change may model adequately the cure kinetics of these systems, at least up to the gel point.