Fourth GenerationCPViolation Effects onBKπ,φK, andρKin Next-to-Leading-Order Perturbative QCD

We study the effect from a sequential fourth generation quark on penguin-dominated two-body nonleptonic B meson decays in the next-to-leading order perturbative QCD formalism. With an enhancement of the color-suppressed tree amplitude and possibility of a new CP phase in the electroweak penguin amplitude, we can account better for ACP(B0K+π)ACP(B+K+π0). Taking |VtsVtb|0.02 with a phase just below 90°, which is consistent with the bs+ rate and the Bs mixing parameter ΔmBs, we find a downward shift in the mixing-induced CP asymmetries of B0KSπ0 and ϕKS. The predicted behavior for B0ρ0KS is opposite.