Optical upconverter with integrated heterojunction phototransistor and light-emitting diode

We report an optical upconversion device that converts input 1.5μm light to output 0.87μm light with a built-in gain mechanism. The device consists of an InGaAsInP heterojunction phototransistor (HPT) integrated with a GaAsAlGaAs light-emitting diode (LED) by wafer fusion process. Incoming 1.5μm optical radiation is absorbed by the HPT, generating an amplified photocurrent. The resultant photocurrent drives the LED that emits at 0.87μm , which could be detected by a conventional silicon charge-coupled device. Upconversion is demonstrated at room temperature with a gain of 20 from the HPT and an overall external upconversion efficiency of 0.07WW .