Effects of Fitness Test Type, Teacher, and Gender on Exercise Intrinsic Motivation and Physical Self‐Worth

This study compared effects on exercise intrinsic motivation and physical self‐worth of taking either the President's Challenge or the Fitnessgram fitness test battery. Three teachers administered the battery to seventh and eighth grade students (N = 370). The only significant effect involving fitness test type on intrinsic motivation was a test‐teacher‐gender interaction on the interest‐enjoyment subscale of the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI). Main effects occurred for gender on intrinsic motivation and physical self‐worth (PSW). Finally, using a Fitness Level x Gender x Fitness Test Type design, a main effect occurred for fitness level on all four IMI subscales, and also on PSW. While results supported the construct validity of IMI and PSW scales, they did not support the theory‐based premise that fitness test batteries would produce different motivational and self‐perception outcomes. Results are discussed with reference to the limitations and delimitations of the field‐based study.