Expression of idiotype on the surface of human B cells producing anti-DNA antibody.

We analyzed the idiotype (Id) expression on the surface of human anti-DNA antibody-producing cells. Murine monoclonal anti-Id antibodies with a specificity for determinants associated with the antigen-binding sites of human monoclonal anti-DNA autoantibodies were prepared. One anti-Id antibody reacted only with surface Id on anti-ssDNA-producing cells, but not with those on anti-dsDNA-producing B cell clones. Another anti-Id antibody did bind the surface Id on anti-dsDNA clones, but not those on anti-ssDNA clones. The interaction between anti-Id and surface Id was inhibited by pretreatment of the clones with DNA or appropriate polynucleotide antigens, or by preabsorption of anti-Id antibodies with free anti-DNA antibodies. Surface IgM and IgD expressed the same Id as the antibody secreted from the clones. The treatment of Id-positive clones by anti-Id antibody induced the redistribution of surface Id on the cells, indicating that these cells serve as targets for the regulatory action of anti-Id antibody.