Hemogram Changes in Lactating Dairy Cows Given Human Recombinant Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (r-MethuG-CSF)

As a prelude to mammary gland challenge experiments, this investigation was implemented to assess the hematologic changes in lactating dairy cattle induced by two dosage regimes of human recombinant colony stimulating factor (Hr-GCSF). This study documents the capability of the human recombinant colony stimulating factor to produce hematologic changes in both a time and dose dependent manner when administered to the adult lactating bovine. A screening dose of 1 μg/kg of Hr-GCSF administered to three study subjects produced a three- to four-fold increase in peripheral blood mature neutrophil counts (P < 0.043) by day 12 of the trial. The priming dose treatment group of four lactating cows (3 μg/kg of Hr-GCSF) exhibited a three- to five-fold increase in peripheral blood mature neutrophil counts (P < 0.05) and two- to three-fold increases in white blood cell counts by day 5 of the trial. Hematologic examinations of the control group (n = 4; no Hr-GCSF administration) did not detect significant changes in their neutrophil counts over baseline values. The milk somatic cell counts did not statistically shift over baseline values in any of the control or Hr-GCSF treatment groups. When attempting to alter the course of infectious disease processes, potential applications of colony stimulating factors provide interesting speculations about new therapeutic modalities.