The mucus producing glands and the distribution of the cilia of the pulmonate slug Limax pseudoflavus

The gross anatomy and histochemistry of the mucus‐producing glands of Limax pseudoflavus Evans were investigated. The body mucus can be divided into three areas. The dorsal body surface is covered with a sulphated acid mucopolysaccharide/protein mixture secreted largely by five cell types. The pedal mucus is a mixture of neutral mucopolysaccharide from the suprapedal gland. The dorsal and pedal mucus sheets are separated by the peripodal groove whose cells secrete a weakly acid mucus. The duct of the suprapedal gland, the epidermis around the pneumostome, the ventral surface of the peripodal groove and the centre of the underside of the foot are ciliated. The dorsal and pedal mucus remain stationary relative to the body and the substrate respectively and the only rejection currents seen in the mucus are around the pneumostome.It is suggested that the pedal mucus is formed by the mixture of the products of the suprapedal gland and the mucoprotein secreting gland in the leading edge of the foot, thus producing a mucus suitable for locomotion. Many areas of the animal (e.g. the head, pneumostome, sole and the leading edge of the foot) are capable of producing both a fluid (neutral or weakly acid) and a viscous (acid) mucus. It is postulated that such an arrangement allows for both adhesion and lubrication at different times.