A high-performance liquid chromatographic method has been developed to separate and quantify the metabolites, γ-chaconine, β1-and β2-chaconine, γ-solanine and β2-solanine, of the potato gly-coalkaloids α-chaconine and α-solanine in potatoes and potato products. A carbohydrate analysis column and a solvent system of tetrahydrofuran-water-acetonitrile (55:8:37) were employed for the separation. Flow rate was 1.1 ml/min and the compounds were monitored at 215 nm. β2-chaconine (0.63 mg to 29.75 mg/100 g dried weight) was present in all samples whereas the other glycosides of α-chaconine were only detectable in the animal feed products. It appears that some of the animal feeds may contain trace amounts of γ-solanine and an unknown which maybe β1-solanine. Limit of detection for all glycosides was 0.05 μg/μl. Elution time for all the lower glycosides of α-chaconine was 8 min versus 16 min for the α-solanine group. These metabolic compounds were confirmed using thin-layer chromatography.