Linear momentum and angular momentum transfer in the reactions ofO16withSm154

From coincidence measurements between projectile-like fragments or heavy residues and their associated γ rays, the angular momentum transfers for a variety of incomplete fusion reactions of 180 and 310 MeV O16 with Sm154 have been derived. At the higher energy, the correlation between angular momentum transfer and linear momentum transfer has been obtained over the entire range of linear momentum transfer. A comparison of the data with calculations of both the sum-rule and geometric overlap models indicates that each makes reasonable predictions of the observed trend even though the assumptions of the models are quite different, and very different initial partial waves are predicted to contribute to particular reaction channels. This results primarily from prescriptions relating fractional mass transfer to fractional angular momentum transfer. The reconstruction of the initial partial wave distributions from correlated measurements of linear momentum and angular momentum transfers is addressed. Comparisons are also made with more recent model calculations which focus on nucleon-nucleon scattering as the mechanism of momentum transfer.