The hyperfine structures of the 5d6s2D322 ground state of Lu175 and its associated D522 metastable state have been studied by means of the atomic beam magnetic resonance method. Radio-frequency transitions belonging to seven of the eight hfs intervals have been measured, as well as low-frequency (ΔF=0) transitions at various magnetic fields in both states. The analysis of these data by means of an electronic computer yields not only precise values for the different interaction constants and the electronic g factors, but also the first directly measured value for the nuclear g factor of Lu175. The results are as follows D322: A=194.3316±0.0004 Mc/sec, B=1511.4015±0.0030 Mc/sec, gJ=0.79921±0.00008, gI=+(3.50±0.16)×104 (with μI expressed in Bohr magnetons), whence μI=+(2.25±0.10) nm. D522: A=146.7790±0.0008 Mc/sec, B=1860.6480±0.0080 Mc/sec, gJ=1.20040±0.00016, gI=+(3.13±0.24)×104 (with μI expressed in Bohr magnetons), whence μI=+(2.01±0.15) nm.