The infrared-absorption spectrum of a-SiO2 is analyzed in terms of its transverse-optic (TO) and longitudinal-optic (LO) vibrational modes. It is shown that the independent-oscillator model for the a-SiO2 dielectric function fails to yield a consistent value of mode strength for the optically active oxygen asymmetric stretch (AS1) TO mode at 1076 cm1 (in-phase motion of adjacent oxygen atoms) when different but equivalent methods of measurement and analysis are used. This inconsistency is resolved by introducing disorder-induced mechanical coupling between the AS1 mode and the relatively optically inactive oxygen asymmetric stretch (AS2) mode (out-of-phase motion of adjacent oxygen atoms) into the oscillator model. Coupled AS1- and AS2-mode LO-TO frequency pairs are experimentally observed as peaks at approximately 12561076 cm1 and 11601200 cm1, respectively, in oblique-incidence p-polarized absorption spectra of thin a-SiO2 films grown thermally on c-Si wafers.