A Simplified Analytical Procedure for the Determination of Diazepam in Intravenous Admixtures

A Simplified gas-Chromatographic technique was developed for the determinatilon of diazepam in intravenous admixtures. Aliquots of a methanolic solution of diazepam were further diluted in various aqueous vehicles: double-distilled water, 5% dextrose in water, 0.9% sodium chloride injection, Lactated Ringer's injection, and Ringer's injection. The assay procedure consisted of a simple extraction technique from the aqueous system into an nbutyl acetate phase using prazepam as the internal standard, peak-height ratios of diazepam:prazepam from the chromatograms were then plotted against the chromatograms were then plotted agaisnt theoretical aqueous diazepam concentra tions. The y-intercept and correlation coefficient of the data were also determined. Results of the study show that the diazepam:prazepam peakheight ratios exhibited consistent correlation coefficients in the five fluids studied. The retention time for diazepam was about 7.5 minutes, while prazepam had a retention time of 12 minutes.