A suite of Caradocian trace fossils from the Berwyn Hills, Central Wales, are examined. They include forms produced by trilobites (Cruziana, Rusophycus, Trichophycus, Monomorphichnus), pelecypods (Lockeia), ?gastropods (?Imponoglyphus) and traces of debatable affinity probably produced by oligochaete and polychaete annelids, amphipods and crustaceans (Skolithos, Planotites, Teichichnus, Diplocraterion, Arenicolites, ?Gyrochorte, ?Palaeophycus, Vermiforichnus). Representatives of the Skolithos and Cruziana communities coexist in this assemblage and no subdivision into discrete ichnofacies is therefore possible. The trace fossils are examined in terms of their relationship to the structure and composition of Upper Ordovician communities and it is concluded that substrate and ecological controls were more important limiting environmental parameters than depth.