Clinical stage of chronic granulocytic leukaemia and BCR breakpoint location in South‐East Asian patients

Summary. Forty‐six Malaysian patients with chronic granulocytic leukaemia were found to be rearranged in the breakpoint cluster region (BCR) of chromosome 22, molecular evidence of Philadelphia chromosome (t9,22) translocation. Through the use of a 1–2 kb 3’BCR probe and two restriction enzyme digests, patients’breakpoints could be localized either to 5’or 3’regions of the BCR. Breakpoint site localization at the time of DNA sampling did not show any positive statistical association to clinical status defined as chronic phase, chronic phase with less than 6 months to blast crisis, accelerated phase and blast crisis. This was in contrast to earlier reports which indicated that patients with breakpoint at 3′ site were at a higher biologic risk for entering blast crisis.