Maximum likelihood analysis for the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix

The probability of possible values for the four angles of the CKM matrix are determined by finding the χ2 values for each choice of angles fitting to ten standard experiments. The χ2 isosurface plots are first displayed in the space of three of the CKM angles showing the dependence of the bounds of δ and greatly improving the lower bound on Vcb. The maximum likelihood χ2 contour plot in the ρη plane shows the probability of each location for the vertex of the unitarity triangle which controls CP-violating asymmetries in B0 decays. We find for mt=150 GeV that at the 2σ level the signal for asymmetries measuring sin(2β) is at least sin(2β)0.25. At the 1σ level the signal is at least sin(2β)0.40, with the preferred range of sin(2β)=0.6±0.2.

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