TheE0-pair decay of the0+second excited states inCa42andCa44

The E0-pair decay branching ratio (ΓπΓ) for the 1.84-MeV (0+) and 1.88-MeV (0+) second excited states of Ca42 and Ca44 were measured. The states were excited by proton inelastic scattering. ee+ pairs from the E0 decay were stopped in a carbon cylinder and the resulting annihilation radiation was detected in two NaI(T1) detectors in triple coincidence with backscattered protons. The observed branching ratios are (0.88±0.14) × 103 and (2.05±0.17) × 102 for Ca44 and Ca42, respectively, corresponding to monopole strengths of ρ=0.30±0.10 and ρ=0.34±0.03. These results are consistent with a theoretical description of these states which includes large admixtures of deformed state wave functions.