Consider an isolated statistical system specified by a coordinate x and its probability density p(x). A functional of p(x) called ‘‘Fisher information’’ can be used to measure the degree of disorder of the system due to the spread in p(x). Fisher information may be minimized, subject to a physical constraint, to attain a temporal equilibrium solution p(x). When the constraint is linear in the mean kinetic energy of the system, the equilibrium solution p(x) often obeys the correct differential equation for the system. In this way, the Schrödinger (energy) wave equation, Klein-Gordon equation, Helmholtz wave equation, diffusion equation, Boltzmann law, and Maxwell-Boltzmann law may be derived from one classical principle of disorder. The convergence rate for Fisher information is about that for alternative use of maximum entropy (in problems where both have the same equilibrium solution). This suggests that Fisher information defines an arrow of time. The arrow points in the direction of decreasing accuracy for the determination of the mean, or ideal, value of a parameter.

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