The structure of the southern and central English Lake District is that of a southeast-facing monocline, named here the Westmorland Monocline. This 10 km wide zone of highly cleaved, southeast-dipping rocks separates gently dipping, poorly cleaved Borrowdale Volcanic Group to the north from extensively folded but regionally subhorizontal Windermere Group (foreland basin) rocks to the south. The monocline formed early in the local Acadian deformation sequence, and accommodates at least 8 km of uplift. It coincides with the steep concealed margin of the Lake District batholith. A major northwest-dipping shear zone is revealed in the deepest levels now exposed within the monocline, in the Skiddaw Group rocks of the Black Combe inlier.The monocline has the characteristics of a mountain front, providing significant tectonic elevation across a foreland-dipping panel of rocks, with no hinterland-dipping thrust visible at the surface. We interpret the uplift as the consequence of a southeast-vergent thrust with a gently northwest-dipping ramp beneath the central Lake District, continuing southeastwards as a flat detachment beneath the Windermere Group. A displacement up the ramp of about 20 km is accommodated by backthrusting within the monocline and by shortening within the Windermere Group of the hangingwall southeast of the monocline. The tip lies beyond the limit of the Lower Palaeozoic inlier, beneath Carboniferous cover.