Immunosuppression Associated With SJL/J Murine Lymphoma. II. Characterization of a Plasma Suppressor Factor in Tumor-Bearing Mice23

The properties of a factor responsible for immunosuppressive activity in the plasma of inbred SJL/J mice bearing transplanted lymphomas were investigated. Suppressive activity was not due to an intact virus but resided in a soluble molecule characterized as a nonimmunoglobulin protein of molecular weight 68,000–88,000. The plasma suppressor factor was relatively stable and was neither directly cytotoxic nor complement-dependent. The degree of suppression of in vitro lymphocyte proliferative responses depended on the time of addition of plasma to cultures. Suppression was reversible if cells exposed to plasma were washed before mitogen stimulation, but stimulated cells exposed to the suppressor factor were irreversibly inhibited. The suppressor factor was partially species-specific. Supernatants from short-term cultures of tumor cells from lymph nodes of SJL/J mice contained a similar suppressor factor, indicating that the plasma factor was probably a product of tumor cells.