Detection of quantum noise

Noise that can be attributed to vacuum fluctuations, usually referred to as quantum noise, is examined. It is shown that vacuum fluctuations of a single uncoupled mode do not constitute noise, in the sense of a random process, but the superposition of the fluctuations of a large number of modes does constitute, formally, noise. The effect of vacuum fluctuations of the free-space radiation field on a harmonic oscillator, a nondegenerate parametric amplifier, and a degenerate parametric amplifier, all driven by a prescribed sinusoidal field, is compared with the effect of classical noise. It is found that the coordinates of all systems respond in a formally similar manner to both vacuum fluctuations and classical noise. However, the resonance fluorescence spectrum—the evidence of ‘‘detection’’—is completely different for the two kinds of noise. The spectrum of the harmonic oscillator does not exhibit noise in response to vacuum fluctuations, but does so in response to classical noise. The spectra of the two types of parametric amplifiers do exhibit noise in response to vacuum fluctuations, but this noise differs from that in the classical case. An explanation for the difference is offered, based on the fact that the quantum fluctuations cannot do work, but can noise-modulate power from an outside source, which, for the parametric amplifiers, is the pump. In the analysis of noise from the degenerate parametric amplifier, it is shown that squeezed noise, viewed as an oscillation of the dispersion with a sufficiently low minimum, is generated in the same manner in the case of classical noise as in the case of quantum noise, and is due to phase conjugation.