Expander Elements In Craniofacial Surgery: An Experimental Study In Rabbits

With the inception of craniofacial surgery elaborate surgical procedures were introduced for the treatment of craniosynostosis. Recently the use of implantable springs to aid simple strip craniectomies for these conditions has been described. Having shown the feasibility of using springs for dynamic skull reshaping, several questions remain to be answered, all of them about how to control the spring action clinically. One of the most important questions concerns force. The purpose of this study was to evaluate experimentally the effect of two springs of different strengths on the growth of rabbit calvaria after strip craniectomy. Thirty-two 6-week-old rabbits were randomised into one of four groups: sham-operation where only amalgam markers were inserted after subperiostal dissection; strip craniectomy of the sagittal suture, no expansion; strip craniectomy of the sagittal suture and insertion of an expander element made of titanium molybdenum alloy (TMA); and strip craniectomy sagittal suture and insertion of an expander element made of stainless steel (SS). SS springs delivered a range of forces from 2.42-2.18 N, whereas the TMA expander elements delivered a range from 1.39-1.09 N. The parietal bone marker separation after 12 weeks was 4.9 mm in the TMA group and 7.4 mm in the SS group. This resulted in a significant increase of the calvarian height compared with control groups. Histological examination showed intramembranous bone formation in the bone gap in all groups.