Magneto-resistance measurements on thin disordered films yield the phase-coherence time τ i of the conduction electrons (weak localization). The dependence of τ i on film thickness and residual resistivity are reported for disordered Au, Ag and Mg films in the temperature range between 4.5 and 20 K. The resistivity of the films was varied between .13 and 1.1×10 -6 Ωm. The temperature dependence of 1/τ i follows a T p -law. The exponent is essentially two, but varies slightly with the resistivity. 1/τ j depends much less on the resistivity than the linear prediction of the theory. No direct influence of the film thickness on τ i was observed. This excludes the impurity induced Coulomb interaction as the relevant mechanism and suggests that τ i is essentially determined by electron-phonon interaction. However, at the present time there is no theory available that reproduces the experimental results. Measurements of the (temperature independent) Hall-constant suggest that the thin films are rather homogeneous despite their small thickness.