Finite Radiative Electroweak Symmetry Breaking from the Bulk

  • 8 February 2001
A new physical origin for electroweak symmetry breaking is proposed, involving compact spatial dimensions of scale 1/R \approx 1 TeV. The higher dimensional theory is supersymmetric, and hence requires the top-quark Yukawa coupling to be localized on some ``Yukawa brane'' in the bulk. The short distance divergence in the Higgs-boson mass is regulated because supersymmetry is unbroken in the vicinity of this Yukawa brane. A finite, negative Higgs mass-squared is generated radiatively by the top-quark supermultiplet propagating a distance of order R from the Yukawa brane to probe supersymmetry breaking. The physics of electroweak symmetry breaking is therefore closely related to this top propagation across the bulk, and is dominated by the mass scale 1/R, with exponential insensitivity to higher energy scales. The masses of the superpartners and the Kaluza-Klein resonances are also set by the mass scale 1/R, which is naturally larger than the W boson mass by a loop factor. Explicit models are constructed which are highly constrained and predictive. The finite radiative correction to the Higgs mass is computed, and the Higgs sector briefly explored. The superpartner and Kaluza-Klein resonance spectra are calculated, and the problem of flavor violation from squark and slepton exchange is solved. Important collider signatures include highly ionizing charged tracks from stable top squarks, and events with two Higgs bosons and missing transverse energy.

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