Molecular-beam epitaxial growth of InSb/CdTe heterojunctions for multilayer structures

We have used the technique of molecular-beam epitaxy to grow layers of CdTe on InSb and InSb on CdTe and have performed a detailed analysis of the layers and their interfaces using Auger depth profiling and reflection high-energy electron diffraction. We show that significant improvements in interfacial quality can be obtained by the proper choice of fluxes during growth. The use of a Cd/Te flux ratio of 3:1 (JCd/JTe=3) during the growth of CdTe has enabled epitaxy at a substrate temperature of 300 °C. Interfaces formed with this flux ratio are abrupt, in sharp contrast to those formed under stoichiometric flux conditions (JCd/JTe=1). Subsequent growth of InSb at a substrate temperature of 300 °C on thin CdTe epilayers (400 and 800 Å) is examined as a function of the InSb growth rate and Sb/In flux ratio. Quality of the interfaces shows a progressive improvement with increasing InSb growth rate.