Decays of110Rhand112Rhto the near neutron midshell isotopes110Pdand112Pd

The decays 110Rh and 112Rh have been investigated using on-line mass separation with the ion-guide technique. Extended decay schemes have been constructed for both the low- and high-spin states in 112Rh. Mixing ratios for the collective transitions from the 22+ and 31+ states in 112Pd have been measured by γγ angular correlation. The presence of two sets of 0+ and 2+ states in the 1.1–1.4 MeV range suggests the existence of an intruder band, the energy of which is the lowest in 110Pd with two neutrons fewer than the midshell. The quasiparticle levels at 2195 and 2755 keV are assigned I=4 and I=5, respectively. The corresponding levels in 110Pd are a new level at 2261 keV and the 2805 keV level. Systematics of logft values and excitation energies of these quasiparticle levels is remarkably smooth. The strong β feeding to the I=5 quasiparticle state can be regarded as similar to the main branch in the decay of odd Rh isotopes, while a neutron is a spectator.