Electric control of room temperature ferromagnetism in a Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3∕La0.85Ba0.15MnO3 field-effect transistor

Spintronics, which takes advantage of both spin and charge degrees of freedom, is a promising key technique relevant to future applications of information and data storage. Ferromagnetic transition metal oxides, including perovskite manganites, represent the most promising materials for use as devices controlling magnetic states by an electric field at high temperature with high efficiency. This is because these materials possess a strong intrinsic relationship between charge and magnetism, showing ferromagnetism above room temperature by adjustment of carrier filling, in addition, particular magnetoelectric properties such as a colossal magnetoresistance phenomenon. Nevertheless, the device operation such a field control of magnetism has not been verified so far in manganites. It is essential to determine whether the magnetism of manganites can be controlled via carriers modulated by an electric field in these applications. Here the authors report on the direct demonstration of a simultaneous change in the magnetic and electric-transport properties in a ferromagnetic oxide field-effect transistor. A working temperature above 293K was achieved. This result should facilitate the use of spintronic devices in strongly correlated 3d-electron systems working at practical temperatures.