Magneto-optical Kerr effects in perovskite-type transition-metal oxides: La1xSrxMnO3 and La1xSrxCoO3

Magneto-optical Kerr effects have been investigated for perovskite-type hole-doped oxides La1xSrxMnO3(0<~x<~0.3) and La1xSrxCoO3(0<~x<~0.3) in the photon energy range between 0.9 and 5.3 eV at room temperature. In La1xSrxMnO3, charge-transfer-type Kerr spectra are observed for the lowest (1.2eV) and the second-lowest (3.5eV) optical transitions that are likely to arise from electron excitations from the O2p to the majority-spin eg band and to the minority-spin t2g band, respectively. In La1xSrxCoO3, a crystal-field-transition-type Kerr spectrum is observed that is assigned to the electron excitation from the bonding t2g state to the antibonding eg state allowed by the strong hybridization effect between Co3d and O2p states. Different characters in the Hund’s-rule coupling and covalency seem to cause such a difference in magneto-optical properties between ferromagnetic Mn and Co oxides.