Acute Phosphine Poisoning following Ingestion of Aluminium Phosphide

1 Eight cases of phosphine poisoning following ingestion of aluminium phosphide tablets for suicidal attempt are described. The mean age of the patients was 23 years (range 14-25). 2 The clinical picture consisted of gastritis, altered sensorium and peripheral vascular failure in all cases, cardiac arrhythmia (3), jaundice and renal failure (1 each). Six patients died, the mean hospital stay was 19 h (range 4-72). 3 Post-mortem examination was performed in two patients, revealing pulmonary oedema, gastrointestinal mucosal congestion, petechial haemorrahages on the surface of liver and brain. Histopathological changes included pulmonary oedema, desquamation of the lining epithelium of the bronchioles; vacuolar degeneration of hepatocytes, dilatation and engorgement of hepatic central veins, sinusoids and areas showing nuclear fragmentation. 4 The clinical picture of aluminium phosphide poisoning is described and precaution in the distribution and use of this pesticide recommended.

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