Unresolved Rayleigh target detection using monopulse measurements

When the returns from two or more targets interfere (i.e., the signals are not resolved in the frequency or time domains) in a monopulse radar system, the direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimate indicated by the monopulse ratio can wander far beyond the angular separation of the targets. Generalized maximum likelihood (GML) detection of the presence of unresolved Rayleigh targets is developed with probability density functions (pdfs) conditioned on the measured amplitude of the target echoes. The Neyman-Pearson detection algorithm uses both the in-phase and quadrature portions of the monopulse ratio and requires no a priori knowledge of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) or DOA of either target. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves are given along with simulation results that illustrate the performance and application of the algorithm.

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