Electronic structure and charge transfer in α- andβSi3N4and at theSi(111)/Si3N4(001)interface

Using a self-consistent linear combination of atomic orbitals method based on density-functional theory in a local-density approximation, the electronic structure in the high-temperature ceramics αSi3N4 and βSi3N4 and at the Si(111)/Si3N4(001) interface have been calculated. The resulting charge transfer suggests that the ionic formula can be written as Si3+1.24N40.93. For the Si(111)/Si3N4(001) interface, the silicon atoms from the silicon side lose some electrons to the nitrogen atoms of the silicon nitride side forming Si-N bonds at the interface. The calculated electronic density of states spectrum of Si 2p core levels for this interface is in good agreement with x-ray photoemission spectroscopy experiments.