Osier and Neurology

William Osier’s bibliography includes over 1400 papers, monographs, and notes touching on almost every subspecialty of medicine (Abbott 1939). He has been claimed by gastroen-terologists (Cunha 1948), pediatricians (McGovern et al 1970; Robbinsetal 1963), medical librarians, (Bett 1949), veterinarians (Giltner 1926–27) (Murphy 1960) obstetricians (Rucker 1952) and members of other disciplines as one of their own.Osier published close to 200 papers, reviews, editorials and monographs dealing with neurology, but it is not widely recognized that his contributions to neurology exceed those to many of the other fields. For example, Osier’s interest in neuropathology was entirely omitted from the recent excellent monograph “An Oslerian Pathology” (Rodin 1981). The purpose of this paper is to bring into focus his impressive neurological contributions and to document his substantial interest in the neurosciences.Osier’s activities in neurology constituted a microcosm of his overall medical contributions. His interests in the neurosciences began early. In 1884 he wrote on the comparative anatomy of the brain of the seal (Osier 1884a), having given a lecture on “the brain as a thinking organ” in the previous year (Osier 1883a).