Threshold of the soleus muscle H-reflex is less sensitive to the change in excitability of the motoneuron pool during plantarflexion or dorsiflexion in humans

In the present study, we investigated whether weak (10% of maximal voluntary contraction) tonic dorsiflexion (DF) and plantarflexion (PF) affects the two conventional parameters used for evaluating the excitability of the soleus motoneuron (MN) pool, i.e. the ratio of the threshold of H-reflex to that of M-response (Hth:Mth) and the ratio of the maximal amplitude of H-reflex to that of M-response (Hmax:Mmax) in human subjects. The results showed that the Hmax:Mmax decreased during DF and increased during PF compared with that during rest, whereas no clear alteration was observed in Hth:Mth. These results are consistent with the scheme proposed by earlier workers, who have argued that neither inhibitory nor facilitatory effects of the conditioning stimulus apply to specific spinal reflex circuits occurring around the threshold of the test H-reflex. It is suggested, therefore, that the conventional use of the Hth:Mth ratio as a parameter reflecting the excitability of the MN pool should be reconsidered.