Differences in H-reflex between athletes trained for explosive contractions and non-trained subjects

The efficacy of type la synapse on alpha-motoneurons of soleus and lateral gastrocnemius muscles has been investigated, using the H-reflex technique, in athletes engaged in sports requiring very rapid and intense contractions (sprinters and volley-ball players) as well as in non-trained subjects. It has been observed, in both muscles, that the ratio between the mean value of the maximal reflex response (Hmax) and the mean value of the maximal direct response (Mmax) elicited upon electrical stimulation of the tibial nerve is significantly smaller in athletes trained for explosive-type movements than in non-trained subjects. This difference in the Hmax:Mmax ratio was dependent on a smaller amplitude of Hmax and not on a greater amplitude of Mmax. No significant differences were observed between sprinters and volley-ball players. In both trained and non-trained subjects, soleus and lateral gastrocnemius muscles displayed significant differences in Hmax: Mmax ratio and Mmax amplitude but not in Hmax amplitude. Since the H-response is considered to be due mainly to activation of the smallest motoneurons in the motoneuronal pools, the difference in Hmax amplitude and Hmax:Mmax ratio between athletes and non-trained subjects could have been dependent on a lower incidence of these motoneurons in the athletes. This is in accord with the mechanical needs of muscles during explosive-type power training. Although this difference ,ay have been wholly determined genetically, the possibility is discussed as to whether the lower incidence in sprinters and volley-ball players of small motoneurons could have been related to a training-induced transformation of small and slow motoneurons into large and fast ones.