Subarachnoid anaesthesia was induced in 40 patients with 0.5% bupivacaine 3 ml with no glucose, 5% glucose or 8% glucose, or with hyperbaric cinchocaine. The injections were made in the lateral position and the patients turned supine immediately. The onset, extent and duration of sensory and motor blockade, the quality of anaesthesia, cardiovascular effects, and the frequency of side-effects were studied. The hyperbaric solutions produced a greater cephalad spread (T6–T7) than the glucose-free solution (T10–T11). Cinchocaine produced a longer duration of action at Tl0 and Tl2 than the hyperbaric bupivacaine solutions. No advantage was seen when 8% rather than 5% glucose was used. The glucose-free bupivacaine produced intense blockade of long duration and was suitable when a lower level of blockade was adequate for the proposed surgery.