Effects of Ultraviolet B Irradiation on Lenticular Riboflavin Metabolism and High-Molecular-Weight-Protein Aggregation

We investigated the effects of ultraviolet B (UVB) irradiation on the formation of ester forms of riboflavin and of high-molecular-weight (HMW) protein aggregates and on lenticular riboflavin-binding capacity (LRBC). Esterification of riboflavin decreased as the duration of UV irradiation increased, suggesting the irradiation-induced denaturation of the apoenzyme of synthetases of ester forms of riboflavin. UVB irradiation of lens homogenate supplemented with riboflavin increased LRBC and the formation of HMW protein aggregates, while γ-crystallin was decreased. These results are consistent with those of our earlier studies in which we obtained data suggesting that, upon exposure of rat lens homogenate to fluorescent light, photosensitized riboflavin may bring about cross-linking of lens protein. Our data demonstrate that the photosensitivity of lenticular riboflavin is increased by longer periods of UV irradiation.