The Genomic Region of rbcLS in Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 Contains Genes Involved in the Ability to Grow under Low CO2 Concentration and in Chlorophyll Biosynthesis

Several genes involved in the ability of Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 to grow under different CO2 concentrations were mapped in the genomic region of rbcLS (the operon encoding the large and small subunits of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase). Insertion of a cartridge encoding kanamycin resistance within open reading frame (ORF) 78, designated ccmJ, located 7 kb upstream of rbcLS, resulted in a kanamycin-resistant, high-CO2-requiring mutant, M3, which does not contain normal carboxysomes. ccmJ shows significant homology to csoS1 encoding a carboxysomal shell polypeptide in Thiobacillus neopolitanus. Analysis of the polypeptide pattern of a carboxysome-enriched fraction indicated several differences between the wild type and the mutant. The amount of the ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase subunits was considerably smaller in the carboxysomal fraction of the mutant when compared to the wild type. On the basis of the sequence analyses, ORF286 and ORF466, located downstream of ccmJ, were identified as chlL and chlN, respectively, which are involved in chlorophyll biosynthesis in the dark.